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551 1 UID 534CB5F4DFD8654488759FB18F3A032FF0C1 Family: TERRY, Parshall / WILLIAMS, Anna (F6665)
552 1 UID 534F4C80A44726409B29EBCD3FF8C589C063 TERRY, Gershom (I17001)
553 1 UID 5357CE14B3AC844DAB86BF483CA8D8934345 TERRY, John (I14627)
554 1 UID 535E2994D07B874381293057E91B5EBED487 Family: HEDRICK, David / LEONARD, Susanna (F6936)
555 1 UID 539919714015674F949C599BA9E7CE4A4D36 Family: NOAKES, Walter / SCUDDER, Elizabeth (F6826)
556 1 UID 53A56C1A449BA7409A41329E209473D7ED86 STEPHENS, Jane (I15954)
557 1 UID 53A9168106A9F641A4255CF5350E2DF9FCAD

2 SOUR S14
3 QUAY 3


Death of John L. Hildreth yesterda y afternoon.

A Hero of the ear ly days

His life was full of adventure, as with all pioneers---Thre e seperate fortunes were acquired---His memory will be reve red by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance.

John L. Hildreth, familiarly known as "uncle John" i s dead, having departed this life a few minutes after 4 o'c lock yerterday afternoon at his residence, 726 Water Street.
About three months ago Mrs. Hildreth died and since th at time Uncle John has declined, but continued at his wor k until last Monday and then took to his bed. He retained c onsciousness all the while and half an hour before got up w hile the bed was made. He had suffered from attack of the g rip for a year but his death was greatly accelerated by th e loss of his faithful helpmeet and the partner of his life 's joys and sorrows.
Five children are living, namely W.H., D.L., J.P. an d Miss Ruby Hildreth and Mrs. Worship Clough.
The funeral will take place from the Central Christia n Church at 10 a.m. tomorrow, being in charge of the Masoni c fraternity, of which Uncle John was and old and esteeme d member, being for 20 years a member of Lodge No. 17.


Intresting facts about a long and e ventful life.

Uncle John was known to almost everybody in Pueblo an d his death will cause universal regret. He was a fine look ing man physically, of great courage and strength and his i nnate honesty of purpose and sterling integrity made of

(lost a part of this arti cal)

rest for about sixteen hours. One family in the party name d Oatman were not satisfied withthis arrangement and they p ushed on alone expecting to rest and join another party tho ught to be ahead. They evidently reached their new friend s but the Hildreth party the next day came across evidence s of a horrible atrocity. The whole party had been butchere d and their wagons were still burning. This was what is kno wn in history as the Mountain Medow Massacre, in which o f 25 people only one child escaped. He was a little boy wh o had been thrown over a cliff with the expectation that de ath would be instantaneous, but he lived to tell the horrib le story of Mormon butchery, and not indian, as the murdere rs would have had believed. The night before the massacre t he Indian guide of the Hildreth party escaped.
Mr. Hildreth, Sr., and his two sons, then strapping yo ung men, went to mining and made good sized fortunes. The t wo boys turned their attention to the cattle business and b ought a ranch on the San joaquin river, twelve miles fro m Fresno. One brother died and John continued the business . In 1858 John returned to Missouri and married Miss Angeli ne Simms, and the couple went back to california. They live d a number of years and went into Texas. After living a yea r in San Antonio, Mr. Hildreth bought 5,000 head of cattl e and started for California again. They came through Puebl o and at Canon City a member of the family was taken sick . The party camped and the invalid was brought to Pueblo fo r treatment. Since that time the home of the family has bee n in Pueblo.
Uncle John bought a ranch on Turkey Creek from Charle y Hobson for $5,ooo and settled down. The herd of cattle we re later on driven down the Big Sandy, which is about wher e the Missouri Pacific enters Kansas. Misfortune after misf ortune then began to overtake the family. Mr. Hildreth rent ed his Turkey Creek farm and the tenant went into the shee p raising business. This cas a cattle country in those days

(missing part of artica l)

dialects and was more at home in camp than anywhere else. W hen in California the first time he bought two five year ol d indian bouy, one a Digger and the other a Navajo, for a s teer and a butcher knife. The youngersters were raised to m anhood, but the Navajo died in California. The Digger was b rought to Pueblo and was a dependent of Uncle John until ab out four years ago. He was known as "Major Cluff" and delig hted to bedeck himself with a plug hat and fasten metals, b eer chips and brass buttons on his chest. Major, however, w as subject to epileptic fits and one morning was found dea d in his bed.
An incident in Uncle John's life that will intrest Pue blo people occured soon after he first reached here. A cin namon bear walked into his camp just north of the present c ourt house, being the first seen as he climed over the hil l on which the Thatcher residence is situated. Uncle John a nd one of his men lariated the animal, held it securly fro m each side with their ropes and after the people of the to wn had had a chance to see the fun they killed it.
Uncle John amassed three seperate fortunes in his life , being worth $250,000
in his young days, but died comparatively poor, having onl y the house in which he lived.
During the life of Brigham Young, the prophet and Uncl e John were personal friends and at the Turkey Creek ranc h the great Mormon was twice a guest.


A special commeration of Pueblo lodge No. 17, A.F. an d A.M., will be held at their hall in the Hobson block, San ta Fe Avenue at 9 o'clock Tuesday morning, February 20, fo r the purpose of attending the funeral of our deseased memb er, John L. Holdreth. A fratenal request to attend is hereb y extended to members of Nos. 31 95 and all sojourning Maso ns in the city
C.W. Ke ssler, W.M.


Brief biography
HILDRETH, John L (I16931)
558 1 UID 53D390049F222B4B9625427988A8672D2B8B HEDRICK (HEYDRIC, Johann Peter (I16698)
559 1 UID 53ED6F006FF8984CA6624F73CC9266B23AF8 DUNN, Elizabeth Ann (I15470)
560 1 UID 547174218E3C0942B384041B75EB604BD03F GARDINER, Lyon (I15096)
561 1 UID 54D417A6BC62EB438ED26E1DC1F5C3E3788A TERRY, Lyda Lovina (I17318)
562 1 UID 54FA92447E1BC843AF7605DD1F7609B52258 HALL, Hannah (I14826)
563 1 UID 55157DAFA91A4C478EBE42031F500F5550E1 DAULTON, Henry Clay (I14861)
564 1 UID 551BD4BDC173F348A755FD8EAD38A84FD353 Mrs (I16548)
565 1 UID 552405378392A64EB9A1040AC59DA0D1F996 GULDSMITH, Thomas (I16553)
566 1 UID 5558542007555E46933AEEDA4DB62114EE7D STORKEY, Elizabeth (I16079)
567 1 UID 5599D83EA65EB24DBB9B2F70E60B3F234F71 FELLOWS, Abigail (I17288)
568 1 UID 55A096594E275F4F8A9FDF9C240097197F01 CASE, Tabitha (I15385)
569 1 UID 55A8AF57B09C5943AA6DA23510F22D363EB4 KELLUM, Hepsibah (Hepsibeth) (I14897)
570 1 UID 55CC037B6B881A43BD327E691C45241C66D2 Family: SUMNER, James / HEDRICK, Nancy (F6896)
571 1 UID 55EDE1FBA3D4F84684ECFE9F3E2A8EA57B00 PEYRONEL, Marie Madelaine (I15200)
572 1 UID 560CAF2E77DFC3409CD9C1E399AE43144FCF GARNER, David (I16441)
573 1 UID 5645DDD98D2E3A4EA3E230273731A1219A19 BETTS, Joanna (I16149)
574 1 UID 56745E1576DE7A4BBCCAA202C374F8A95817 WEAVER, George (I14746)
575 1 UID 568028F83DD0A34E935EE676D5A61DCFA8BB Sarah (I16744)
576 1 UID 5683B0AF7AF4CB408603D9F9793847A6AAEA KING, John (I16792)
577 1 UID 5690E8671F193C49A8D656C0580EEE653FD4 FELLOWS, Mary (I17108)
578 1 UID 57070B112E4CF340B50C231AB77DC96A8C19 TERRY, Jemimah (I16029)
579 1 UID 570A47505A66D747A4812850EED81D4BA163 Family: PARSHALL, Israel / CASE, Bethia (F6279)
580 1 UID 57166A6AD8CD234583D13E6FA7A8064FF3FF Family: BEUS, Wilburn / ROSE, Beatrice (F6481)
581 1 UID 571F17D33FB84B4A8E36B87ACB8CF70535FD Family: WRIGHT, Roger / ALBERYE, Margaret (F7172)
582 1 UID 5753AAAA93A8944896EEDB52CF3058DDFAEE KING, William (I15245)
583 1 UID 5758072EA1BD7544A8B782D6F47CB15B2E6D SCUDDER, Ezekiel (I15067)
584 1 UID 577ABDBBCD770440BDF9A313B60317A5B228 Family: GARNER, John / BURKSHIRE, Hannah (F6908)
585 1 UID 578AA2CEFA12634AA9C91D8FE21EC72413A2 WELLS, Daniel (I15047)
586 1 UID 579863BCD23CF14694FC406E30425E07680D LINCOLN, Richard (I16542)
587 1 UID 57B2EBCC9E84654FB0629472816832F8C159 Family: HARBERTSON, James / GARNER, Roemma (F7201)
588 1 UID 580AF459BE4D654381854C4BEDBF0FF5AF65 Family: HILDRETH, William Scudder / BURCHFIELD, Josephine Meldona (F6282)
589 1 UID 583ABBD1709BFC4BA786A11A8E556603A451 Family: HILDRETH, Jeffrey / BOWEN, Louisa (Lilly) (F6468)
590 1 UID 583C5967EF1EBF4A8467DBDF13C6686DBDF4 CROSS, William (I16705)
591 1 UID 58B67A73023F844D8F6FB095495EEECEB3C9 Family: STARNES, Dr. Jonas Mckee / SCUDDER, Elizabeth P. (F6978)
592 1 UID 58BDA858E90F7D488CC2589A0B5C6AD3B6DD TALBOT, Thomas (I17349)
593 1 UID 590D706516C3B34DB3AB0017FEB7E6ABCFFC HORTON, Esther (I16492)
594 1 UID 593B73AEED4D264A915066F36F38537C0F07 Family: HALLOCK, Peter / Eliza (F6640)
595 1 UID 594492004421F1458CD8A58D7B392585BE47 Family: HANSEN, Nelson (Nils) / TERRY, Marilla (F6979)
596 1 UID 5954BD90C8C73F44B8164165A366607059B0 STEVENS, Roswell (I15172)
597 1 UID 599520E644F69C4E848F142C686D5F35D488 MURPHY, Myrtle (I16601)
598 1 UID 599B78B1A14A8C4AA11962E64DA850B1D6FC GREEN, Emma (I14992)
599 1 UID 599F1A39F7BF2549852BBBD001CE181AAB7D FOWLER, Richard (I15622)
600 1 UID 59AB13E29D70934BB47E5887C8D479929C8B Family: TERRY, James / LATHROP OR JACKS, Eliza (F6901)

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